MSU neurologist shares perspective of football from a team neurologist in new book
Download MP3If you are one of the tens of millions of Americans who loves football—and who simultaneously worries if it can be safely played—then Dr. David Kaufman’s book is must-read.
Like such classics as Paper Lion and A Fan’s Notes, We Need You in the Locker Room provides a fascinating, unique, and immensely readable perspective on a game we only think we know. As a neurologist assigned to work with the coaches and players, his time in the locker room and on the sidelines made him an intimate witness to the drama, teamwork, and courage of young athletes—and to the toll this violent game exacts on them. A intimate look into a championship season, this book is also
a smart, sensitive argument for how football can be preserved.
Conversation Highlights:
(0:27) – When did you come to MSU, and why were you attracted here?
(1:14) – Talk about your role as a neurologist.
(2:00) – When did you start focusing on concussions in football?
(2:36) – What is a concussion?
(2:57) – When and how did you become involved with the MSU football team?
(3:57) – What motivated you to write the book?
(5:36) – Who do you think should read the book?
(6:46) – Talk about the special relationship you developed with Coach Mark Dantonio.
(7:47) – What are facts about concussions do you want to reinforce and myths you want to dispel?
(8:41) – Would parents of student-athletes find your book interesting?
(10:24) – You’re donating all profits from the book to two MSU charities.
(10:54) – What do you hope readers take away from the book?
(12:18) – What is your role at MSU now?
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Russ White
I host and produce MSU Today for News/Talk 760 @wjrradio and @MichiganStateU's @NPR affiliate @WKAR News/Talk 102.3 FM and AM 870.