Advisors drive student success at MSU

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Assistant Dean for University Advising Ebony Green and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Bill Beekman discuss the evolution of the Student Success Pillar of the MSU 2030 Strategic Plan.
Objective 1 of the theme is to strengthen MSU’s ability to attract and meet the needs, goals and aspirations of dynamic undergraduate students from all backgrounds. And a strategy is to ensure all students have high-quality academic and career advising that grows with them from admission through graduation 
Conversation Highlights:
(0:42) – How is MSU 2030 evolving? “Refresh, Reframe, and Reimagine”
(5:08) – What is the role of an advisor at MSU? What do we ask them to do?
(6:53) - Advising lives in all our colleges, but your work is somewhat unique. You lead MSU’s advising team that supports students who haven’t selected a specific major.  Tell us a little about that role.
(14:58) - Many students – and perhaps sometimes their parents as well – believe that a student should have a major firmly in mind when they enter college.  But an alternative perspective is that college should be a place that encourages exploration and changing majors is not only okay but somewhat expected.  What’s your perspective?
(17:25) - Reflecting on my undergraduate days all too long ago, I’ve always felt that much of my learning took place outside the formal classroom setting.  Sometimes it was simply conversations with classmates while at dinner in the residence hall.  Other times it was through more structured activities, in my case an internship.  We now call that experiential learning.  President Guskiewicz has shared that he believes experiential learning is very important for our students.  What role do you think this kind of learning should play in the education of MSU students?
(22:03) - When we think about undergraduate students, we usually have in mind students who have come to us straight out of high school.  But we also welcome transfer students at MSU.  And because they’re coming to us from a different university, their advising is uniquely important.  How does your advising team facilitate the important transition to MSU for our transfer students?
And I understand that we have unique agreements with many of the community colleges across Michigan that make it easier, or at least more straightforward, for students wanting to complete their undergraduate education at MSU?  (Articulation Agreements; LCC – Envision Green)
(28:38) – What pieces of advice would you give students and parents on relating to and taking advantage of MSU advisors?
(31:06) - Ebony, we always end these conversations on a fun note.  You work with undergraduate students every day.  But I’d like you to think back on your own college career.  Do you have a favorite memory from that time?
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Russ White
Russ White
I host and produce MSU Today for News/Talk 760 @wjrradio and @MichiganStateU's @NPR affiliate @WKAR News/Talk 102.3 FM and AM 870.
Advisors drive student success at MSU
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